ADG Youth Leaders
High School Lead Ambassadors
Navya Gupta :11th Grader
Neel Singh : 11th Grader
Lead and organize volunteers for the monthly food packing initiative and on-site assistance and coordination. Over 5000 lbs per year packed and delivered by youth volunteers.
Raise funds to buy over 2000 notebooks for the back to school supply drive for underserved children and lead and coordinate 2000 school bags assembly to be given out to Montgomery County youth.
For nurses week, created handmade bookmarks, assembled care packages, and delivered 60 packages to Adventist Healthcare ICU nurses unit to thank them for their service to the community especially during COVID.
Routinely volunteer at the underserved Afghan refugee clinic and COVID vaccination clinic to check in patients and provide support by organizers as needed.
Spread awareness on anti-bullying youth initiative by interviewing a healthcare provider and fellow teen age panel to share relevant message to the community via a You Tube video to be published on social media and ADG website.
Middle School Lead Ambassadors
Naman Gupta : 8th Grader
Millen Singh : 8th Grader
Monthly volunteer food packing for the food drive for local underserved community.
Help assemble care packages during nurses week.
Interviewed Founder of American Diversity Group, Mr. Mayur Mody, to highlight his phenomenal contribution to the community.